About this website


The scope of this website is to give little and useful code snippets a place on the internet. I personally struggle to finde certain very specific things, so I thought I might at least post them somewhere when I eventually find the answer.
This website also serves as my personal dev diary. Those posts might come in handy if you stumble upon a problem in web development that I might have solved and written about or if you just want to know what I am doing or how I did certain things.

Tech stack

This website is made with Hugo for SSG, Tailwind CSS for styling and Vite + React for custom Web Components (e.g. Nav loader, “copy code” button). All hosted on Google’s Firebase. You can always look at the code yourself and fix typos or factual errors in the GitHub Repository.

Current version information


Go versiongo1.22.2


DateFriday, 02 Aug 2024 11:48:12 GMT+00:00
Built onGitHub Actions Runner


The last commit that changed some content

Messageadding esphome emh1 post & bumping hugo version
DateFriday, 02 Aug 2024 13:46:30 GMT+02:00